
Process audio files using SoX

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Jasny Audio

Process audio files using SoX


With the Jasny\Audio\Waveform class you can create a waveform as PNG like:


$waveform = new Waveform($filename, $options);

Alternatively you can request a set of samples. This can be used to set draw a wavefrom in JavaScript (see waveform.js).


option default unit description
width 1800 pixels Image width
height 280 pixels Image height
color 000000 hex or rgba Color of the graph
axis null hex or rgba Color of the x axis
level null The max amplitute (y axis)
offset null seconds Starting point. Negative counts from end
duration null seconds Duration of the track of chart

Track statistics

$track = new Track($filename);
    channels: "1",
    dc_offset: "0.000016",
    min_level: "-0.162134",
    max_level: "0.153157",
    pk_lev: "-15.80",
    rms_lev: "-33.56",
    rms_pk: "-24.31",
    rms_tr: "-55.44",
    crest_factor: "7.72",
    flat_factor: "0.00",
    pk_count: "2",
    bit_depth: "30/32",
    length: "1.935601",
    scale_max: "1.000000",
    window: "0.050",
    samples: "42680",
    scaled_by: "2147483647.0",
    maximum_amplitude: "0.153157",
    minimum_amplitude: "-0.162134",
    midline_amplitude: "-0.004489",
    mean_norm: "0.010709",
    mean_amplitude: "0.000016",
    rms_amplitude: "0.020990",
    maximum_delta: "0.115579",
    minimum_delta: "0.000000",
    mean_delta: "0.003656",
    rms_delta: "0.008325",
    rough_frequency: "1391",
    volume_adjustment: "6.168",
    sample_rate: "22050"

Convert track

Convert a track to a different format. Uses avconv (or ffmpeg).

$track = new Track("sometrack.wav");

Combine tracks

Combine two tracks. Uses sox --combine.

Available methods

  • concatenate
  • merge
  • mix
  • mix-power
  • multiply
  • sequence
$track = new Track($track1);
$track->combine($method, $track2, $outputFilename);