A software developer who is obsessed with machine learning
Pinned Repositories
A small Python script that check my H1b status and display the status an notification on mac
Implemented Principal Components Analysis algorithm in MATLAB for face recognition. Compared two faces by projecting the images into Eigenface space and measure the Euclidean distance between them
This is the very first android application I built with my team members. Used accelerometer on a smartphone to record the acceleration caused by walking. Analyzed accelerometer readings and counted the number of steps
Implemented web scraping technique to collect text comments toward recipes from a restaurant website and extracted keywords from it. Build two classifiers to predicte whether a recipe review is positive or negative only based on text information.
The purpose of this study is the contour extraction of a region of interest in ultrasonic images. I applied the anisotropic diffusion algorithm to preprocess images, then an active contour model using a gradient vector flow was employed. In the end, the contour of a lesion area of the ultrasonic images was extracted.
Thanks for Stanford Machine Learning course by professor Andrew Ng. I took the online course and finished all of eight assignments, which are good practices for machine learning beginner. The codes may give you some basic understanding of how those ML algorithms correctly work.
Solving the travelling salesman problem using simulated annealing, a genetic algorithm and ant colony optomisation algorithms
HelloYaoZhang's Repositories
The purpose of this study is the contour extraction of a region of interest in ultrasonic images. I applied the anisotropic diffusion algorithm to preprocess images, then an active contour model using a gradient vector flow was employed. In the end, the contour of a lesion area of the ultrasonic images was extracted.
Implemented Principal Components Analysis algorithm in MATLAB for face recognition. Compared two faces by projecting the images into Eigenface space and measure the Euclidean distance between them
A small Python script that check my H1b status and display the status an notification on mac
This is the very first android application I built with my team members. Used accelerometer on a smartphone to record the acceleration caused by walking. Analyzed accelerometer readings and counted the number of steps
Implemented web scraping technique to collect text comments toward recipes from a restaurant website and extracted keywords from it. Build two classifiers to predicte whether a recipe review is positive or negative only based on text information.
Thanks for Stanford Machine Learning course by professor Andrew Ng. I took the online course and finished all of eight assignments, which are good practices for machine learning beginner. The codes may give you some basic understanding of how those ML algorithms correctly work.
Solving the travelling salesman problem using simulated annealing, a genetic algorithm and ant colony optomisation algorithms