
The source code for the Hellow World Game


What is Hellow World?

Hellow World is a side-scrolling creative adventure game that is inspired from the likes of Stardew Valley, Terraria, Minecraft and more, built from the ground up as a mix of both Jazzcraft and the original Hellow World game, bringing experimental and finished features together in a way we didn't even know possible.

Key Features over previous titles

-Video, Audio & Gameplay Settings

-Save Importing & Exporting

-Customizable Keybinds

-Terrain Generation

-Saving & Loading

-Interactible Tiles

-Paintable Blocks

-Auto Updating

-Side Scrolling

-Mod Support

Hellow World & Open Source

As of recently Hellow World has become apart of the vast collection of Open Source Software under the license GNU GPLv3, we did this primarily to make a Launcher that was able to fetch the raw files of the game and import it in a single app, without taking much space at all on top of the launcher itself, along with the other pros that go with it, like letting other people learn and interact with the game on another level.


Modding Docs: https://www.hellowmedia.com/modding/documentation

Launcher Repo: https://github.com/Hellow-Media/hm-launcher

Source Repo: https://github.com/Hellow-Media/hw-source

License: https://www.hellowmedia.com/about/license

Mod.io: https://mod.io/g/hellow-world