Insurance Management System

Project Overview

This repository contains the documentation and codebase for an insurance management system developed as a part of a software engineering project. The goal of this project is to create a robust and user-friendly web application for managing home insurance subscriptions and requests. While this project was originally undertaken within the context of the Mutuelle Assurance de l’Enseignement (MAE), this documentation focuses exclusively on the technical aspects of the application.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. Technologies Used
  4. Prerequisites
  5. Usage
  6. Conclusion


The insurance management system is designed to facilitate and streamline the process of home insurance subscription and request handling. It offers an intuitive and efficient interface for users to submit insurance requests and seamlessly manages the responses for added home insurance requests.


1. Home Insurance Subscription Interface

  • The system provides a user-friendly interface for submitting requests for home insurance.
  • Users can input their information, policy details, and any other necessary data through an intuitive form.

2. Efficient Response Handling

  • The system efficiently processes and manages incoming home insurance requests.
  • It ensures timely and accurate responses to each added insurance request.

3. Data Visualization

  • To provide users with clear insights, the application utilizes ChartJs for creating interactive and visually appealing data charts.
  • These charts help users understand relevant statistics related to their insurance policies.

Technologies Used

The development of this project relied on a set of technologies and tools that contributed to its success:

  • Django Framework: Django was chosen for its robustness and security features, making it an excellent choice for building a secure and reliable web application. It provided a solid foundation for data management, security, and ease of development.

  • ChartJs: ChartJs was integrated into the project to create dynamic and informative data visualizations. This allows users to have a clear and interactive representation of essential insurance-related data.


  • Python 3.x
  • pip


  1. Create a Virtual Environment (Optional but Recommended)

    python3 -m venv myenv
    source myenv/bin/activate  # On Windows, use `myenv\Scripts\activate`
    cd myenv
  2. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd InsuranceAgencyManagementSystem

myenv/bin/activate # On Windows, use myenv\Scripts\activate ```

  1. Install Required Packages

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Project

  1. Apply Migrations

    python migrate
  2. Create Superuser (Optional)

    python createsuperuser
  3. Run the Development Server

    python runserver

    The project will be available at


In conclusion, this project represents the successful development of an insurance management system. Although it was originally conducted as part of an internship within the MAE, this documentation focuses solely on the technical aspects of the application.

The use of Django as the primary framework and ChartJs for data visualization has been instrumental in creating a secure, efficient, and visually engaging system for managing home insurance subscriptions.

While the internship context is not discussed here, this project opens the door to exciting possibilities, including the exploration of new features and potential expansions into other domains.

We invite you to explore this repository, review the codebase, and consider contributing to further enhancements. Thank you for your interest in our project!