
HTML5 based Workflow Node programming



WFNODEUTILS.Node A Node comprises a single unit or single block in the entire workflow Currently nodes have one or more endpoints which can be of type in or out (denoting an input or an output endpoint.Our Node objects would contain the display Kinetic.JS objects and each of these Kinetic.JS objects will contain a back reference to it's container node object as events are raised by KineticJS on KineticJS objects

WFNODEUTILS.NodeEndPoint A node endpoint serves as the point at which we would be connecting two nodes together. Two nodes are connected via their endpoints

WFNODEUTILS.NodeLineConnector A Node Connector internally contains the endpoints which it connects together using straight lines

WFNODEUTILS.NodeTemplateDisplayContainer This container would contain the node templates, node templates are nodes which when clicked generate actual nodes which can be connected. The Node templates appear on the left hand side of the screen

WFNODEUTILS.NodeDisplayContainer This contains the actual draggable nodes which can be connected and is also the parent top level container for the NodeTemplateContainer. Events and functionality is wired up based on which container you add the nodes for example Nodes added to the Template Container are not draggable

WFNODEDRAWINGAPP.Main The Main function which generates the various Nodes