OPUS-CAT is a collection of software which make it possible to OPUS-MT neural machine translation models in professional translation. OPUS-CAT includes a local offline MT engine and a collection of CAT tool plugins.
- army11711
- cefooMachine Translate
- Centaurioun
- creation-cmd
- dies@crowdin
- Doorcreator
- drewsif95
- eripFairfax, VA
- GeniusBroccoli
- Geograph-us
- GitHub30Osaka, Japan
- granaina
- guyue55
- hlp-aiHuman Language Processing Laboratory (HLP Lab)
- iris333
- kasan-chain
- letconexFreelancer
- MaryaAI@haqq-network
- mikahamaFly for Points
- minna-xDHelsinki, Finland
- OSINTAIFreelance
- pagimeAccentia
- paskens
- Pinkuburu
- pouriiaa
- raknjarasoaRed Line
- rasmus-z
- Thundros
- tiila
- tsielknovnomis
- urkokul
- virgulvirgul
- volkling
- wahidmounir
- WyrunFrankfurt, Germany
- xulihangDynamsoft