
Script that creates humanly readable output from the feedback logs of a BigBlueButton (BBB) instance.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues MIT License Compatibility Xing


Did you activate the feedback feature in BigBlueButton (BBB) but you can't read all the jibberish in the logfile? This simple script creates humanly readable output from the feedback logs of your BigBlueButton (BBB) instance.

It has 7 simple cmd parameters you can use, none of which is required:

Short Parameter Default Explanation
-h --help None Displays this table
-p --path /var/log/nginx/ Provide the full path to the directory containing the feedback logs
-cl --charlimit 100 The character length on which we wrap the comment
-s --silent False If True the script won't have any output
-pz --parsezip False If True unzip .gz logs and parse them aswell
-tf --tofile False If True write the output to html5-client-readable.log
-csv False If True write the output to BBB-Feedback.csv


  • Make sure you got atleast Python 3.6 installed: python3 -V
  • Copy the script or clone this repo to the server containing the BBB instance: git clone https://github.com/Helyux/BBB-Readable-Feedback

Example Use

Execute python3 ReadFeedback.py -pz -tf

This will parse all html5-client.log files in the directory /var/log/nginx/, even those who are already zipped (-pz) and display something like this: Screenshot It'll also write the displayed info to the file html5-client-readable.log in the given path. (-tf)