Problem Statement
Giving or receiving medical information in second language increases the risk of negative healthcare outcomes.
Our Solution
Create a platform for volunteers to submit translation and/or verify existing translations in their native languages/dialects.
User journey
As a user I can submit translation and/or verify existing translations of existing medical questions in their native languages/dialects.
User stories
1- As a user I can register in the website.
2- As a user I can login to the website.
3- As a user I can edit my profile, so I can for example edit my profile photo, my personal details, my certifications.
4- As a user I can view groups of question based on speciality.
5- As a user I can submit text translation of a question.
6- As a user I can submit audio translation of a question.
7- As a user I can submit sign language video translation of a question.
8- As a user I can verify an existing translation of a question (by vote).
Our Team
1- Farah Zaqout (Team Manager)
2- Ibrahem AlShaikh Ali
3- Ali Haj Ahmed
4- Lubna Abd