
Gaza Sky Geeky | Code Academy

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Gaza Sky Geeks Code Academy Page

Problem Statement

  • Lack of place where to find the projects which student developed during the time in the academy.
  • Lack of place where to view the past cohorts and students.

which affect the promotion of student projects during the time spent in the code academy.

Our Solution

  • Create a website for the code academy that inclue view/add/delete/update (CRUD) of the cohorts/projects/students.

user stories


  • I want to login and logout to/form the admin panel.
  • I want to view dashboard statistics.
  • I want to view the current cohorts data.
  • I want to edit/delete the current cohorts data.
  • I want to add new cohort.
  • I want to add cohort's students data.
  • I want to choose between the community/client projects.
  • I want to view the current community projects.
  • I want to edit/delete the current community projects data.
  • I want to add new community project.
  • I want to view the current client projects.
  • I want to edit/delete the current client projects data.
  • I want to add new client project.


  • I want to view GSG code academy home page .
  • I want to apply to the next cohort by going to the application page.
  • I want to view all community projects.
  • I want to filter the view of the community projects by cohort's number.
  • I want to view all client projects.
  • I want to filter the view of the client projects by cohort's number.
  • I want to view GSG CA Alumni.
  • I want to select a cohort to view.
  • I want to view summary about a cohort.
  • I want to view the community/client projects.
  • I want to view the cohort's students.
  • I want to go to the student's GitHub page.
  • I want to choose project.
  • I want to view summary about the project.
  • I want to view project information.

How to run website locally

  • Clone this repository
  • Run npm install
  • Create a config.env file
  • run npm run start to run the project

Database Schema


How to run tests

  • Run npm install
  • run npm test to run tests

Link Of Prototype Here

Tech stack

  • Express.js
  • PostgreSQL
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript


  • Ali
  • Lubna
  • Ibraheem