
ROS implementation of pure pursuit controller

Primary LanguageCMake



ROS1 impleemntation of pure pursuit controller

For ROS2 check this branch. foxy-devel


How to run

rosrun pure_pursuit pure_pursuit_node

Subscribes to

This node requires TF from map -> odom -> base_link

Topic name Type Description
/pure_pursuit/path nav_msgs/Path Target path to follow
/odom nav_msgs/Odometry To update the lookahead distance depending on the car speed (optional)

Publishes to

Topic name Type Description
/pure_pursuit/control ackermann_msgs/AckermannDriveStamped Ackermann message contains the steering angle and speed
/pure_pursuit/lookahead_point geometry_msgs/PointStamped Target Lookahead point

Node's parameters

Parameter name Type Description
ld_gain Double lookahead distance gain to depend the lookahead distance on speed ld = ld_gain * car_speed
min_ld Double Minimum lookahead distance
car_wheel_base Double The distance between the car's front and back wheels
controller_freq Int The controller Frequency
map_frame String map frame name
base_frame String base link frame name