
Desktop version of Mediref

Primary LanguageTypeScript



Manual - Windows generated installers

signtool sign /f certificate-file /p password /t timestamp-server-URL file-to-sign-1 file-to-sign-2 ...


C:\temp> signtool sign /f MyCert.p12 /p SeCRetpASsw0rd /t http://timestamp.comodoca.com/authenticode MyApp.exe

Automatic - Windows installers

  1. Set the relevant values in package.json: "win": { "target": { "target": "nsis", "arch": [ "x64" ] }, "publisherName": "{NAME}", "certificateFile": "./certificates/cert.pfx", "certificatePassword": "{PASSWORD_FROM_ENV}" },

Automatic - Mac installers

  1. Ensure a code signing certificate is present in the system a. Create either at developers.apple.com or using Xcode - a paid account is needed. When generating the certificate request using keychaing, ensure that the email address is the same as the one used for the Apple developer account (Doing so made the certificate automatically trusted, whereas changing the name to the company name was making it not trusted. And manually trusting it was giving the blue checkmark on keychain, but it was throwing errors on Electron Builder when trying to sign the application.) b. Ensure the certificate is present in the system keychain, including the full chain of trust certificates. This may be easiest to do by getting Xcode to code-sign a dummy hello-world application.
  2. During the build process, during the signing step, you should get the identity name equal developer ID. identityName=Developer ID Application: {name from 1a Certificate request authority} This means that the certificate being used is one that is intended for Mac installer distribution outside of the App Store.


Extra info:

  1. Ensure that package.json new updated version SemVer is higher than the version on Github
  2. (Optional) Draft a new release on Github (if skipped, step 1 and 3 will automatically create one)
  3. npm run pub - electron-builder --mac --win --x64 --ia32 -p always
  4. Release when ready

Log locations

From https://github.com/megahertz/electron-log#readme

  • MacOS: ~/Library/Logs//log.log
  • Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming<app name>\log.log

package.json settings to determine install location

For installs into AppData automatically

    "nsis": {
      "oneClick": true,
      "runAfterFinish": true,
      "allowToChangeInstallationDirectory": false

For installs that ask the user for install location (and allow them to set C:/Program Files as the location):

    "nsis": {
      "oneClick": false,
      "runAfterFinish": true,
      "allowToChangeInstallationDirectory": true

Creating a NOVA installer from scratch

  1. Download and install the OEM
  2. Run the cobranding tool
  3. Configuration files page
  • Use the license files sent by Nova/on Google Drive
  • Keep the rest of the options as their default settings
  1. OEM Save parameters page
  • For local save option, default is C:\Users[U]\Mediref-Printer-PDFs
  • The [U] so that each user has their own folder
  • Username and password should be blank
  • File should be [N] (the document name)
  • When file exists, auto number the new file
  1. OEM Run parameters - specify either Program Files as the application path (if installed for all users) or user macros to specify AppData as the install location
  • For all users, "C:\Program Files\Mediref\Mediref.exe"
  • Parameters - %1
  • Blank username and password
  • Run as "normal"
  • Run type "Run from shell"
  1. Digitally sign the OEM and PrinterDrivers (instructions above)

  2. Download Inno setup from JRSoftware.org

  • Use the mainsetup.iss script to generate a single combined installer

Different installers naming conventions to follow

Version numbers


All functionality of the app (user facing and background) is predicated with a comment with the info tag: `// info


  • Mac
    • Does the printer functionality work when app is closed
    • Does the printer functionality work when app is open (including not launching additional browser windows)
    • Ensure closing the window quits the app entirely, or if not, that a new windows is properly created when the 'activate' event fires
    • Does auto update work?
  • Windows - Appdata
    • Does the printer functionality work when app is closed
    • Does the printer functionality work when app is open (including not launching additional browser windows)
    • Does the temp folder get cleared properly
    • Does auto update work?
  • Windows - Program Files
    • Does the printer functionality work when app is closed
    • Does the printer functionality work when app is open (including not launching additional browser windows)
    • Does auto update work?
  • Do additional args get passed on - recipient email, patient name etc
  • Does viewing files work (non-PDFs)
  • Does viewing PDFs work
  • Does the react app receive app data (e.g. version etc). handle-electron-version event


  • ./src/handleDownload.js - handleDownload function - download to default downloads directory if set to 'auto' or
  • Does the context menu apply correctly
  • Does the preload script load correctly so that the react app has access to required modules (e.g. ipcRenderer)
  • Does the logger work to log whatever is needed to local disk for debugging purposes