
Learning and rediscovering ML from total scratch

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Learning and rediscovering ML from total scratch

what are the things available now:

        1. Linear Regression (one or multiple variable)
        2. Polynoimial Regression
        3. Ridge Regression
        4. Lasso Regression
        5. ElasticNet Regression
        6. Polynomial Ridge Regression
        7. K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) [Regression]
        1. Support Vector Machines (regression)
        2. Xg Boost (regression)
        3. Decision Tree regression 
        1. K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
        2. Logistic Regression (can work for both binary and multi class)
        3 Naive Bayes
        1. Support Vector Machines
        2. Decison Trees
        3. Random Forests
        4. Ada Boost
        5. Xg boost

Other Different algorithms such as Decision Trees, Naive Bias, and all other unsupervised along with deep learning algorithms will be comming soon, so stay tuned.