
"Find your Food" is a serverless, microservice driven web-based application. It is an intelligent natural language powered chat-bot that is designed using multiple AWS components such as AWS Lex, S3 Buckets, API Gateway, Swagger, Lambda Functions, Cognito, DynamoDB, SQS, Cloud Watch and Elastic Search. This chatbot can help you provide restaurant suggestions based on your requirements such as - City, Time, Number of people, Cuisine Type and Date. The bot uses the yelp API to fetch relevant suggestions and mails the suggestions on the email-id that the user provides.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Find-Your-Food (Dining-Chatbot)


This project is a part of the project component for the course- Cloud Computing and Applications (CS-GY 9223, New York University)

Authors: Indraneel Ray & Hemanth Teja


The frontend is hosted in AWS S3 and provides a web-app user interface to interact with the chat bot.Many open source libraries and frameworks were used to design the UI/UX of the bot. A similar template of my web-application can be found at: https://bootsnipp.com/snippets/exR5v


"Find your Food" is a serverless, microservice driven web-based application. It is an intelligent natural language powered chat-bot that is designed using multiple AWS components such as:-

AWS Lex, S3-Buckets, API-Gateway, Swagger, Lambda Functions, Cognito, DynamoDB, SQS, Cloud Watch and Elastic Search.

This chatbot can help you provide restaurant suggestions based on your requirements such as - City, Time, Number of people, Cuisine Type and Date. The bot uses the yelp API to fetch relevant suggestions and mails the suggestions on the email-id that the user provides.


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SAMPLE OUTPUT - The user recieves an email of the suggestions :-

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