
  • This project visualizes the Japanese Wordnet (日本語ワードネット) with web application built by Django
  • The demo page is here

How to run this project


  • git clone this project
  • download Japanese Wordnet sqlite3 database from official webstie
  • uncompress sqlite3 database and move the file into japanese-wordnet-visualization/jpwordnet folder like below:
~/wordnet/japanese-wordnet-visualization/jpwordnet$ ls
jpwordnet  manage.py  myapp  wnjpn.db
  • create a .env file in ~/japanese-wordnet-visualization/jpwordnet/jpwordnet/ folder, and put the following content into .env file
  • run the following commands to start the web application
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt 
cd jpwordnet/
python3 manage.py migrate
python3 manage.py runserver
  • Access the web application
    • Type Japanese word in the textbox
    • You can click red dots on the visualization if you want to search for the words

Use command-line sqlite3 to see the data

Open wnjpn.db database

sqlite3 wnjpn.db 

Explore the wnjpn.db database

  • show the database
sqlite> .database
main: /path/to/project/japanese-wordnet-visualization/jpwordnet/wnjpn.db
  • show all tables
sqlite> .table
ancestor    pos_def     synlink     synset_def  variant     xlink     
link_def    sense       synset      synset_ex   word    
  • show rows in a table
sqlite> select * from word limit 3;
sqlite> select * from word where lang='jpn' limit 3;
  • show the table schema
sqlite> .schema word
CREATE TABLE word (wordid integer primary key,
                          lang text,
                          lemma text,
                          pron text,
                          pos text);
CREATE INDEX word_id_idx ON word (wordid);
CREATE INDEX word_lemma_idx ON word (lemma);  
sqlite> .exit

Use sqleton to see the table schema

npm install -g sqleton
sqleton -o wnjpn.png wnjpn.db 
