
  • sh is a specification, not an implementation
  • bash is an implementation of sh (other implementations: ksh, zsh, dash, ...)
  • /bin/sh used to point to /bin/bash on most GNU/Linux systems

Which shell I am using

echo $SHELL
echo $0

zsh vs bash

  • Mac Catalina will default to zsh instead of bash
    • The version of bash shipped with macOS is VERY OLD, because it is GPLv2 license and Apple is allowed to distribute it
    • The current v5 bash is under the GPLv3 license that is poison to Apple, so they cannot give you an up-to-date bash with bug fixes
    • zsh has a better community supports
    • bash is still there, nothing will change for you. All that changes is that zsh will be the default login shell for new accounts, and we can select bash instead
    • Scripts are not affected. What changes is the shell for interactive use, i.e. the shell in terminals. If you have a script in a file starting with #!/bin/bash or #!/bin/sh or #!/usr/bin/env bash, it'll keep working exactly as before.


source command not found in sh shell

  • /bin/sh is usually some other shell trying to mimic The Shell. Many distributions use /bin/bash for sh, it supports source. On Ubuntu, /bin/dash is used which does not support source. Most shells use . instead of source.
. filename

The first line of the file

  • we need #!/bin/bash at the first line of the .sh file if we want to run .sh file in some docker environment
    • When we use #!/bin/bash then we tell the environment os to use bash as a command interpreter.
    • If we install many versions of Python, then #!/usr/bin/env ensures that the interpreter will use the first installed version on your environment's $PATH
  • It is an extension for your shell
  • It augments existing shells with a new feature that can load and unload environment variables depending on the current directory
    • when we get into the folder, the .envrc will be loaded


ssh (<user> is your_user_name in GoogleCloud and it is ubuntu in AWS)

ssh -i ~/.ssh/<my.pem> <user>@<ip>
ssh -F /dev/null <user>@<ip>

cp rm everything (folder and files)

sudo rm -fr *
sudo cp -R /home/abc/* .


Use -r option to copy the folder

scp -i ~/.ssh/xxx.pem ~/Desktop/util.js


makes it human readable (e.g., GB, MB, ...)

ls -lh

order by time

ls -lt

Count how many files in folder

ls | wc -l


tmux ls
tmux kill-session -t runserver
tmux new-session -d -s runserver "python3 runserver"

standard output

history > h.txt  # override
ls >> abc.txt    # append

Kill the process listening on port 3000

kill -9 $(lsof -i:3000 -t)

find folder

find . -type d -name 'foldername'

. means current directory

find and delete with wildcard

  • delete files in current folder which contain aaa in filename
find . -type f -name '*aaa*' -delete

check file information

$ file -I text/plain; charset=us-ascii


  • Create folders if they do not exist
mkdir -p /usr/share/jenkins/ref/


  • Change environment variable
$ export abc=10
$ echo $abc
  • Add variables /home/mytest to PATH
export PATH=$PATH:/home/mytest
  • List all environment variables
export -p
  • Check if environment variable exist
if [[ -z "${DEPLOY_ENV}" ]]; then
  MY_SCRIPT_VARIABLE="Some default value because DEPLOY_ENV is undefined"


open from command line

open hello.html
open -a "Google Chrome" hello.html
open -a "Sublime Text 2"

or add it to ~/.bashrc

alias chrome='open -a "Google Chrome"'
alias sublime='open -a "Sublime Text 2"'

Chain bash commands

Sometimes we need to chain the bash command when we run docker build, because each command in the Dockerfile (e.g. FROM, ENV, RUN) is a step in the build process. Docker processes each step in an intermediate container.

A; B    # Run A and then B, regardless of success of A
A && B  # Run B if and only if A succeeded
A || B  # Run B if and only if A failed
A &     # Run A in background


Read JSON in bash

curl -s '' | python3 -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['name'])"

loop until web server available

until $(curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail http://myhost:myport); do
    printf '.'
    sleep 5

--fail: wait until return 200

Read random line

cat file.txt | shuf -n 1


shuf words.txt
gshuf addresses.csv > addresses2.csv

Run process in the background

colon operator in variable


If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is substituted. Otherwise, the value of parameter is substituted.


  • See disk details
lshw -class disk
  • Free space
df -h
  • In which filesystem:
df -h /home/lee/projects


service account and user account
