
Example application using Scala, Akka, MongoDB, Rome, async-http-client, salat, and casbah to read/update feeds asynchronously

Primary LanguageScala

Syndor is an example back-end application that reads and updates feeds asynchronously. The data are stored in MongoDB. It uses the following technologies:

The implementation is using akka futures to get asynchronous flow in all layers. The project consists of two sub projects:

  • syndor-common
  • syndor-feedbot

The main class is in syndor-feedbot. You need sbt 0.11.x to run the bot. You also need to have MongoDB installed. To run the feedbot, make sure to run MongoDB first and type:

$ sbt
$ > project syndor-feedbot
$ > run

To configure MongoDB database name, edit the file:


Below are the default names used in each environment:

def dev() {
  db = "syndor_dev"

def test() {
  db = "syndor_test"

def prod() {
  db = "syndor"