
A light-weight AHK script with UI extensions and QoL features for Path of Exile, emphasizing ease-of-use, minimalist design, and seamless integration into the game-client.

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey


A light-weight AHK script with UI extensions and QoL features for Path of Exile, emphasizing ease-of-use, minimalist design, and seamless integration into the game-client.


Clone-frames: pseudo-customization of the in-game interface (more info)


Windowed-mode support (more info)


Recombinator calculator: client-integrated calculator for recombinators in Sentinel (more info)


Client-integrated seed explorer for timeless jewels (more info)


Overhauled map-info panel: streamlined and customizable (more info)

Untitled 1

Context-menu for items to quickly access popular 3rd-party websites (more info)


Search-strings: customizable quick-access menu for frequent in-game searches (more info)


Customizable & searchable betrayal info-sheet (with optional image recognition) (more info)

simple search + customization:


advanced search:



lab layout overlay (more info)


Several minor QoL improvements (more info)


image image

notepad overlay:

image image

orb of horizons tooltips:

image image

one-click Gwennen regex


improved beastcrafting search


Installation & Requirements

  • download the latest release here: releases
  • this tool is an AHK script and thus requires AutoHotkey to be installed on your system

Setup & How to use

  • you can read a setup and usage guide HERE (wiki)
  • browse the wiki for in-depth documentation on all features

Ideas & Feedback

I am very open to suggestions and ideas from other players. So if you have ideas on how to improve PoE-gameplay or this script, post them in the ideas & feedback section.

Motivation & Philosophy

This script is my personal collection of QoL features to improve the PoE gameplay experience while staying as close to a natural in-game interface as possible. This includes an easy and straight-forward setup, visual clarity, customizability, the ability to decide which features to enable/disable, and a lack of required extra hotkeys and alt-tabbing.

That being said, I am a self-taught tinkerer, and this is a merely a fun project and learning experience for me that I decided to share. This means I will not be taking code input or optimizations from people (unless critical bugs need to be fixed or I am hard-stuck) because learning-by-doing and problem-solving is what makes this project fun for me.