
Finding thumbnails for academic papers. As used in DocumentCards and in the Mini-Conf conference system.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Image extractor for PDFs using PubLayNet

Setup Environment

  1. Create a conda env
conda create -n image_ex python=3.7
conda activate image_ex
  1. install Pytorch and TorchVision. E.g.:
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
# or: pip install torch torchvision
  1. install opencv and imagemagick
conda install -c conda-forge opencv

conda install -c conda-forge imagemagick
# or: apt install imagemagick
  1. install Detectron2
  • Prebuilds for Linux are easiest.
  • For MacOS use:
CC=clang CXX=clang++ python -m pip install 'git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2.git'
  1. Download weights:

cd weights;source download.sh;cd ..

Extract Image from PDF

After extraction you should have the following files available for a pdf example_file.pdf:

example_file.png  - the best representative image w.r.t. heuristic
(example_file_best_<number>.png) - [only if NOT shortcut] the images sorted by their representative value

From a set of PDFs:

python extract_image.py --pdf proceedings_*.pdf --cleanup all

Applies the image extraction to the PDF files, applies the histogram heuristic plus first-page priority. It cleans up all temporary files. It detects automatically if running on cuda or cpu.

From a set of PDFs - Even faster:

Uses a shortcut that if the first page contains an image, it uses this one and does not parse the rest.

python extract_image.py --firstpage shortcut --device cuda --pdf proceedings_*.pdf --cleanup

Extract Images from Paper images

No cleanup, no heuristic.. just plain image extraction:

python extract_image.py --input pages_*.png 


usage: extract_image.py [-h] [--input INPUT [INPUT ...]] [--pdf PDF [PDF ...]]
                        [--confidence-threshold CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD]
                        [--opts ...] [--config-file FILE] [--device DEVICE]
                        [--weights WEIGHTS] [--overwrite]
                        [--firstpage FIRSTPAGE] [--cleanup CLEANUP]
                        [--accept N [N ...]]

Extract interesting images from PDFs or paper page images - using PubLayNet
and Detectron2 (pytorch) and a simple histogram heuristic.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input INPUT [INPUT ...]
                        A list of space separated input images; or a single
                        glob pattern such as 'directory/*.jpg' (default: None)
  --pdf PDF [PDF ...]   A list of space separated PDF files.or a single glob
                        pattern such as 'directory/*.pdf' (default: None)
  --confidence-threshold CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD
                        Minimum score for instance predictions to be shown
                        (default: 0.5)
  --opts ...            Modify config options using the command-line 'KEY
                        VALUE' pairs (default: [])
  --config-file FILE    path to config file (default:
  --device DEVICE       run on device (cuda/cpu) (default: cpu)
  --weights WEIGHTS     run on device (default:
  --overwrite           run on device (default: False)
  --firstpage FIRSTPAGE
                        if image on first page give it high priority --
                        values: ['shortcut','prio','none'] (default: prio)
  --cleanup CLEANUP     remove tmp files [images, pages, all] (default: none)
  --accept N [N ...]    accepted classes (default: [4])


Apache 2.0


This code is heavily based on these repositories:

Thank you dear contributors !! Please contact me if you like a different mention