
Introductory Way of Work document for Frontend developers. Welcome!

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


This quick intro document should help you get up to speed on the following topics:

  • Where do I find shared libraries?
  • Is there any documentation?
  • How do I set up DHIS2 for local development?
  • Where do we track issues?
  • What is our Way of Work?
  • How do I deploy... apps? libs? dhis2?
  • Where do I get help from an actual human being?

Where is the team at?

We use Slack to collaborate and talk to each other when at the keyboard. Feel free to talk to people AFK too. Some channels you should join are: #frontend, #general, #announcements, #webapi, #devops.


Every app has its own README which should include most info you need. There is also a wealth of information in the online documentation:

Automatic build systems

Mailing lists

There are two mailing lists which we use to interact with the DHIS2 community world-wide.

Issue tracking



  • Every app has its own issue tracker on Github where technical issues are documented.


Setup DHIS2

You will need an instance of DHIS2 running so your webapps have an API to talk to. You can run this in Docker, VirtualBox, Vagrant, or just as a plain-old-java with tomcat or jetty combo.

Create your DHIS2_HOME

Frontend apps (e.g. D2) read their configuration from this folder to get the URL to your DHIS2 instance and uses basic auth with a base64 encoded username/password in the format of user:pass. The example below is the base64 encode of admin:district.

$ mkdir ~/.dhis2
$ export DHIS2_HOME=~/.dhis2

Create the file $DHIS2_HOME/config.json and add the following:

    "baseUrl": "http://localhost:8080/dhis",
    "authorization": "Basic YWRtaW46ZGlzdHJpY3Q="

Shared libraries

We have a set of shared libraries which should be used in webapps to standardise the way we interact with the DHIS2 instances.

Code convention plugins

A new frontend app

Way of Work


  1. clone your repo
  2. checkout a new branch for the work you are going to do
  3. do some changes
  4. commit
  5. repeat 3-4
  6. open a pull request
  7. ask someone on slack #frontend if they can have a look
  8. merge PR
  9. a. some apps require that you deploy now
  10. b. for other apps you are done now


The basic principle is to follow semver (major.minor.patch).

  • Major is used to track against the DHIS2 version (e.g. 28 for DHIS2 version 2.28)
  • Minor for marking breaking changes
  • Patch is for fixes and patches

N.B. Check the README for the instructions for your specific app


There are multiple meanings to "deploy" within the DHIS2 ecosystem.

to NPM

On one hand, when talking about d2 and d2-ui a deployment means creating a tag based on the commit which bumps the version in package.json, and pushing the resulting tag to the Github repo.

$ yarn version
% <major.minor.patch>
$ git push
$ git push --tags

When a tag is pushed to the repo, Travis will run a build and then publish the artifact to NPM.

to DHIS2

On the other hand, most apps we build need to be deployed to a DHIS2 instance.

Core applications, like the maintenance-app, are bundled with the DHIS2 WAR-file in each release and shipped as the "core" application suite.

This way of shipping core-apps is being phased out, but as of 2.29 it is still the primary way of shipping core applications.

Refer to the documentation for the API on how to work with apps inside of a DHIS2 context.