
Action for running Golang mutation tests

Primary LanguageShell

Action for running Golang mutation tests

Runs https://github.com/AntonStoeckl/go-mutesting as Github Action. Used a fork of the original go-mutesting tool since the forked version can be used with Go modules.

See the repository's README for details about the usage of go-mutesting.

Usage in workflow

- name: Golang mutation testing
  uses: rescDev/go-mutesting-action@<version>
    targets: main.go entrypoint.go cmd/
    disabled: structinit/remove
    blacklist-file: gomutest.blacklist
    output: verbose

Input configuration

Following input variables are available:

  • version: Installed and used version of go-mutesting. Check the repository linked above to see all available releases. Defaults to latest.
  • targets: Targets that will be tested. Can be a space-separated list of specific targets. Defaults to ./....
  • disabled: Space-separated list of mutators that will be disabled.
  • blacklist-file: List of MD5 checksums of mutations which should be ignored, submitted as file (path).
  • output: Configure output levels. Available values are debug and verbose. Use debug,verbose or vice versa for using both.


No outputs defined (yet).