
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Only guaranteed to work on Python3, but PRs for Python2.7 will be accepted.

pip3 install --upgrade --user git+https://github.com/qtrade-exchange/qtrade-py-client.git

Basic Usage

from qtrade_client.api import QtradeAPI

# String is of the format "[key_id]:[key]"
hmac_keypair = "256:vwj043jtrw4o5igw4oi5jwoi45g"
client = QtradeAPI("https://api.qtrade.io", key=hmac_keypair)

result = client.post("/v1/user/sell_limit", amount="1", price="0.0001", market_id=12)

# Only closed orders
# Print all orders before ID 25
# Print all orders after ID 25

Obtaining an API key

Go to the API key page while signed into the qTrade website. Check the appropriate boxes on the right hand side of the page to set permissions, then name the key and hit "Issue Key". Copy and paste the key somewhere safe, it won't be displayed again!

Rate Limit

By default the QtradeAPI will honor and avoid rate limits. It does this with three peices of logic:

  1. If the rate limit would be hit, it will sleep until the reset time. (Hard limit avoidance)
  2. If >50% of the limit has been used it will sleep a proportional amount of time to avoid hitting the hard limit. This allows bursting and avoids long sleeps. This can be configured by setting client.rl_soft_threshold to values between 0 and 1. A value of 1 will disable soft limits entirely (full burst).
  3. If a 429 Limit Exceeded is encountered, it will transparently retry one time. This is to prime the rate limit counter variables in the case that the very first request hits the rate limit.

client.honor_ratelimit may be set to False to disable rate limit logic completely.


Verbose logging from the QtradeAPI class can help debug integration problems. See snippet below for getting log output from the QtradeAPI class.

import logging
import sys

# Setup standard logging for Python to stdout, read more at
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14058453/making-python-loggers-output-all-messages-to-stdout-in-addition-to-log-file
root = logging.getLogger()

handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

# To get logging output from the QtradeAPI class for debugging:


pip3 install --user pytest
# Or alternatively
python3.7 -m pytest

For coverage information:

pip3 install --user pytest-cov
# For just terminal coverage summary
python3.7 -m pytest --cov=qtrade_client tests/
# To generate HTML reports with line coverage details..
python3.7 -m pytest --cov-report html --cov-report term --cov=qtrade_client tests/
google-chrome htmlcov/index.html