[CVPR 2019 & IJCV 2021] LaSOT: A High-quality Benchmark for Large-scale Single Object Tracking
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dataset license
#25 opened by eran-deci - 1
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Missing annotation file
#23 opened by Robotmurlock - 4
Links are not working
#22 opened by HamadYA - 5
Can't download dataset through Google Drive
#21 opened by HamDan1999 - 1
Negative numbers in annotations
#19 opened by wdrink - 1
Can't download dataset through Google Drive
#20 opened by isbecky27 - 3
#18 opened by Giveupfree - 2
When i use the toolkit to evaluate my own tracking result ,this error happens:位置 1 处的索引超出数组边界(不能超出 2787)。 出错 calc_seq_err_robust (line 9) results = results(1:size(rect_anno, 1), :); 出错 eval_tracker (line 32) [err_coverage, err_center] = calc_seq_err_robust(res, anno, absent_anno, norm_dst); 出错 run_tracker_performance_evaluation (line 120) eval_tracker(sequences, trackers, eval_type, name_tracker_all, ...
#16 opened by wildwolff - 1
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How do I get the tracking results of my own algorithm on LaSOT by the OTB toolkit? Is there a configSeqs.m file?
#15 opened by Zhanglei-zl - 1
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Where is the tracking results?
#13 opened by xjtuwh - 5
how to define whether a targer is fast or slow?
#12 opened by Jee-King - 4
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One annotation error in the test dataset
#10 opened by jimmy-dq - 1
Python3 toolkit
#3 opened by MARMOTatZJU - 2
problem about downloading test dataset
#8 opened by tiankongzhang - 1
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question about Normalized Precision plots
#7 opened by Ashsur - 4
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tracking result can not download
#5 opened by zj717754140 - 2
baidu pan link of lasot
#4 opened - 0
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About Python version
#1 opened by willtwr