/* Copyright (c) 2012, Heng.Wang. All rights reserved.

 This program is aimed to monitor the cgroup like iostat for each group,
 if you have more effective processing methods or some ideas to solve
 the problem, thanks for your sharing with the developers. It's pleasure
 for you to contact me.

 @Author: Heng.Wang
 @Date  : 11/07/2012
 @Email : 
 @Github: https://github.com/HengWang/
 @Blog  : http://hengwang.blog.chinaunix.net
 CGSysstat is a monitor toolkits for cgroup, all of these tools are based 
 on libcgroup library.
 1. How to install the toolkits?
 	The dependency of the CGSysstat is based on libcgroup, so before to 
 install the toolkits, first to install the libcgroup and libcgroup-devel
 		yum install libcgroup
 		yum install libcgroup-devel
 	Download the source tar pakage and extract the files, then compile the 
 source and install the toolkits.
 		make & make install
 2. How to use the toolkits?
 ------------------------------  cgiostat  ------------------------------
 	Cgiostat is like the system tool iostat to display the io statistics
 information and cpu statistics information, the display format is like 
 the iostat output.
 	cgiostat [-h] [[-c] [-g] <group_name>] [-t] [-k] [-m] <INTERVEL> <COUNT>
	-c                Display utilization of cpu.
	-g <group1,...>   Display the io utilization of group named <group_name>. 
	-t                Display the timestamp. 
	-k                Display the status in KB/s.
	-m                Display the status in MB/s.
	-h                Display this help.
	-x                Display the extend information. 
	INTERVEL          The interval time of display.
	COUNT             The count of display.

 If not given the -g option, list all cgroups information.