
butter: Bowtie UTilizing iTerative placEment of Repetitive small rnas

Primary LanguagePerlGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

    butter: Bowtie UTilizing iTerative placEment of Repetitive small rnas

    A wrapper for bowtie to produce small RNA-seq alignments where
    multimapped small RNAs tend to be placed near regions of confidently
    high density.

    Copyright (C) 2014 Michael J. Axtell

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
    Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
    option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

    A preprint describing butter has been deposited at http://biorxiv.org/

    Butter: High-precision genomic alignment of small RNA-seq data. Michael
    J Axtell bioRxiv doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/007427

    The manuscript is also, as of this writing (Sep 9, 2014), being prepared
    for submission to a peer-reviewed journal.

    Michael J. Axtell, Penn State University, mja18@psu.edu

    perl (version 5; <www.perl.org>) .. installed at /usr/bin/perl

    samtools <http://samtools.sourceforge.net/> .. installed to your PATH

    bowtie <http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/index.shtml> .. installed to
    your PATH

    bam2wig <https://github.com/MikeAxtell/bam2wig> .. installed to your
    PATH. Not required to run butter but is required to make wiggle files
    from the BAM alignment. bam2wig is also included with the butter

    wigToBigWig <http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/bigWig.html> ..
    installed to your PATH. Not required to run butter but is required to
    make bigwig files from wiggle files.

    Install dependencies (see above), and then place the butter script in
    your PATH

    butter [options] [reads.fa/.fasta/.fq/.fastq] [genome.fa]

    --version: print version and quit

    --help: print usage and option information, then quit

    --quiet: suppress progress reports

    --no_condense: do not condense trimmed reads into non-redundant
    sequences for bowtie mapping. Preserves original read names, but is
    (much) slower.

    --mismatches [integer]: Number of mismatches allowed for a valid
    alignment. Default 0. Must be either 0 or 1.

    --aln_cores [integer]: Number of processor cores to use during bowtie
    alignment phase. Default 1. Must be integer 1-00.

    --max_rep [integer]: Maximum number of possible placements for a
    multi-mapped read being guided by density. Such reads with a number of
    placements more than --max_rep will be reported as unmapped and have
    custom tag XY:Z set to M. Default: 1000. Must be integer of at least 6.

    --ranmax [integer]: Maximum number of possible placements for a
    multi-mapped read that can't be guided by density. Such reads with a
    number of placements more than --ranmax will be reported as unmapped and
    have custom tag XY:Z set to O. Default: 3. Must be integer of 1 or more.

    --adapter [string]: 3' Adapter sequence to trim. Must be 8 or more
    ATGCatgc characters. If specified, 3' adapter trimming is enabled.

    --bam2wig [string]: Options for generating wiggle and bigwig coverage
    file(s) from the final BAM alignment. Can be 'combined', 'degradome',
    'strandspec2', or 'none'. Defaults to 'combined'. Combined merges
    coverage on both strands to a single positive value. Degradome creates
    two separate tracks for the plus and minus strands, each tallying just
    the coverage at 5' ends. strandspec2 creates two files, one for each
    strand, tallying total coverage. None creates no wiggle/bigwig files.

  Small RNA-seq data
    Files must be in FASTA, FASTQ, or colorspace-fasta format. File
    extensions must be used to indicate the format. .fasta and .fa are
    acceptable for FASTA files. .fastq and .fq are accetpable for colorspace
    files. .csfasta must be used for color-space files. There is no support
    for paired-end reads.

    Colorspace data are assumed to conform to colorspace-FASTA
    specifications (beginning with a nucleotide, followed by a string of
    colors [0,1,2,3] or ambiguity codes [.]. If trimmed colorspace data are
    provided, it is assumed that the 'hybrid' color at the 3' end has been
    removed. If colorspace data are trimmed by butter, the hybrid color at
    the 3' end will be removed (see below).

  Reference genome
    File must be in FASTA format. Chromosome names will be truncated after
    the first white-space encountered.

    butter will search for the expected bowtie indices in the same directory
    as the genome file. If the input format is FASTQ or FASTA, butter will
    expect the bowtie indices to have the form [your_genome].[ebwt], where
    'your_genome' is the name of your genome file, and [ebwt] represents the
    six distinct file extensions for bowtie genome index files. If your
    input data is colorspace, butter will expect the genome indices to have
    the form [your_genome].cs.[ebwt] instead. The .cs serves as a reminder
    that the indices are built in colorspace. If the expected bowtie indices
    are not found, butter will attempt to use bowtie-build under default
    parameters to build them.

  Adapter trimming - FASTA
    For each read, the 3'-most exact match to the supplied adapter sequence
    (via option --adapter) is found and trimmed off. Trimmed data shorter
    than 15nts are suppressed from output. In addition, reads with non
    ATGCatgc characters after trimming are also suppressed. Comment lines in
    the original file are ignored, and will not be output to the trimmed

  Adapter trimming - FASTQ
    Identical to trimming for FASTA data, with the addition of trimming the
    quality values to the same length as the trimmed sequence data.

  Adapter trimming - Colorspace-FASTA
    The input --adapter sequence is converted to colorspace. Then, for each
    read, the 3'-most exact match to the color-string is found. Trimming
    takes off the matched color string, as well as the ambiguous color left
    at the end .. this is the hybrid color formed by the di-base created by
    the last nucleotide of the small RNA and the first nt of the adapter.
    When mapped using bowtie with the --col-keepends option, this trimming
    results in the alignment of the full length small RNA.

  Read Condensation
    For the purpose of bowtie mapping, the trimmed reads are condensed such
    that each unique small RNA sequence is represented only once. In the
    process, the reads are re-named. Condensaiton can save considerable CPU
    time, and the re-naming of the reads saves substantial memory (because
    each read name does not have to be stored by the script for later
    output). The condensed reads are written in FASTA or .csfasta format
    (e.g. the quality values from FASTQ files are ignored). This is
    justified because the bowtie alignment parameters being used ignore
    quality values.

    The condensed reads are written to a file in the working directory with
    the name [your_reads]_condensed.(cs)fasta.

    The condensed read names follow a simple system. Consider an example
    read name:


    The '758883' indicates that this is unique sequence number 758883
    (arbitrarily ordered). The '12' indicates that there were 12 reads in
    the input file with this sequence.

    The option --no_condense turns off read condensation, so the original
    read names are preserved. This option is much slower. If option
    --no_condense is used for an input file in FASTQ format, a FASTA version
    of the reads will be written to disk.

  Alignments and placements
    Four iterations of bowtie are called successively on the reads after
    adapter trimming (if applicable) and condensation (if applicable) and
    conversion from FASTQ to FASTA format (if applicable, see above).

    The first iteration uses bowtie setting -m 1 to limit alignments to
    reads with only one unique possible position in the reference genome.
    This output stream is parsed to retain unmapped reads, and reads with
    unique alignments. Using bowtie's --max option, reads with more than 1
    possible alignment are written to a temporary FASTA or csFASTA file.

    After this, the densities of the uniquely placed reads are tallied,
    genome-wide, using a sliding window of 250 nts, and a step size of 50
    nts. The density in each window is simply the sum of all of the
    read-depths at each nt in the window (e.g., 'area under curve').

    The second bowtie iteration uses the multi-mapped reads set aside in the
    first iteration for a run with bowtie -m set to 2. Thus, only reads with
    2 possible placements are output. After calculating the densities, both
    possible placements for each read that had 2 possible locations are
    analyzed. Each location falls into 5 different windows .. the window
    with the maximum score is taken as the existing density of each
    placement. In cases where all possible placements have an exisiting
    density of zero, the choice of which placement to retain is simply
    random. If one possible placement has existing density and the other
    doesn't, the retained placement will be that which is next to existing
    density. If both possible placements have existing density, the retained
    placement will be selected based on probabilities dictated by the
    relative density abundances among the two choices. For example, if
    placement one had a maximum density score of 70, and and placement two
    had a maximum density score of 30, the probability of placement one
    being retained is 70 / (70 + 30) [e.g. 70%] and the probability of
    placement two being retained is 30 / (70 + 30) [e.g. 30%]. As in the
    first iteration, reads with multi-mappings higher than the -m set point
    are written to a temporary FASTA or csFASTA file for analysis in the
    next iteration.

    After the process is repeated for two more iterations .. the densities
    are updated with the new data, and multi-mapped reads that remain are
    re-mapped iteratively. Iteration three captures reads with 3-5 possible
    placements, and iteration four captures reads with between 5 and
    --max_rep number of placements (default is 1000).

    Unless run with option --no_condense, reads must be de-condensed. This
    occurs while writing sorted BAM files, the non-redundant queries are
    de-condensed, such that there is an alignment line for each copy of that
    sequence present in the input data. For instance, with our example read
    from above (my_reads_758883_12), there were 12 copies. So, somewhere in
    the output BAM file there will be twelve reads .. my_reads_758883_12,
    my_reads_758883_11, my_reads_758883_10 ... all the way down to

    Note that, for reads with more than 1 potential placement, each
    de-condensed read is considered separately. Because placement of
    multi-mapped reads can be either random or probabilistic (see above
    'Placement'), this means that not all copies of an identical sequence
    will necessarily be placed at the same location.

    After all iterations of placements and density calculations have
    completed, the resulting sorted bam files are merged to a single final
    bam alignment, and the intermediate bam files deleted.

  Temporary files
    butter writes a number of temporary files to disk during a run ..
    intermediate BAM files, and temporary FASTA (or csFASTA) files. These
    will all be deleted at the completetion of the run.

    The output is a single BAM alignment file sorted by chromosomal
    position. The BAM header includes lines describing the run. butter adds
    three custom tags for each alignment. All reads are in the alignment
    file, including reads that were unmapped (unmapped reads have bit 0x4
    set in the SAM FLAG field, per SAM specification). Other custom tags not
    described below are from bowtie .. see bowtie documentation for their

    Custom tag XX:i: indicates number of valid placements for the read (of
    which only one is being shown)

    Custom tag XY:Z: indicates how the reported placement was selected. U:
    uniquely mapped, P: multi-mapped and placed due to clustering, R:
    multi-mapped and randomly placed, N: unmapped, M: Multi-mappings
    exceeded setting --max_rep, so no placement performed, O: multi-mapped
    with no density-based placement possible, number of locations exceeded
    setting --ranmax, so no placement performed.

    Custom tag XZ:f: indicates the probability that the given read came from
    the reported position, based on the butter iterative density analysis.
    Set to 1 for reads with XY:Z: of M, U, N, and O.

  Wiggle and bigwig files
    Depending on setting of option --bam2wig and the availability of the
    bam2wig and wigToBigWig programs, butter will also create wiggle and
    bigwig coverage files for easier use on a genome browser.