
Python automation script to download the Global Forecast System (GFS) data from NOMADS NOAA with spatial resolution 0.25 degree and execute Weather Research & Forecasting (WRF) model.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python automation script to download the Global Forecast System (GFS) data from NOMADS NOAA with spatial resolution 0.250 and execute Weather Research & Forecasting (WRF) model.


To using this script, you must complete following prerequisites such as:

  1. Linux/Unix distribution
  2. Python 3.7+
  3. MPI Package (OpenMPI/Intel MPI/MPICH)
  4. WRF-ARW Model with em_real case using dmpar compiler selection.

This repository includes two script, which is main.py as an executable script and utils.py as a collection of function that will be used by main.py script.

How to use

  1. Open main.py file and change the values below Arguments comment (line 11):
# Arguments
gfsout_path             = "/home/your_username/wrf_model/gfs_dataset"
wps_path                = "/home/your_username/wrf_model/wps"
wrf_path                = "/home/your_username/wrf_model/wrf/test/em_real"
wrfout_path             = "/home/your_username/wrf_model/wrf_output"
gfs_num_workers         = 4
gfs_download_increment  = 3
gfs_left_lon            = 110
gfs_right_lon           = 115
gfs_top_lat             = -2
gfs_bottom_lat          = -5
wrf_forecast_duration   = 1 
num_proc                = 1
wrfout_domain_data      = 1
Argument Data Type Range Description Note
gfsout_path str - Path to GFS dataset folder -
wps_path str - Path to compiled WPS folder -
wrf_path str - Path to compiled WRF met_em folder -
wrfout_path str - Path to wrfout folder -
gfs_num_workers int 1 to nproc Number of workers will be assigned to download gfs data concurrently Higher value will make download faster, but it will cost CPU cores
gfs_download_increment int - Which GFS forecast hours data will be downloaded Set to 1 if you want to download GFS dataset for every forecast hours
gfs_left_lon float -180 to 180 Longitude gfs_left_lon < gfs_right_lon
gfs_right_lon float -180 to 180 Longitude -
gfs_top_lat float -90 to 90 Latitude gfs_top_lat > gfs_bottom_lat
gfs_bottom_lat float -90 to 90 Latitude -
wrf_forecast_duration int 1 to 16 (in days) Length of simulation days -
num_proc int 1 to nproc Number of CPU cores will be used to execute real.exe & wrf.exe -
wrfout_domain_data int 1 to number_of_domain Which wrfout file will be saved Set to 1 if you want to save wrfout file on domain 1 etc

Note: in order to download GFS dataset for several hours (eg: every 3 hours), set gfs_download_increment argument to 3.

  1. Open namelist.wps file then set start_date and end_date value to 2000-01-01_00:00:00.
  2. Open namelist.input file then set the following variables using this value below:
Variable value
run_days 0
start_year 2000
start_month 01
start_day 01
end_year 2000
end_month 01
end_day 01
  1. Export libraries path LD_LIBRARY_PATH that will be used by wps.exe and wrf.exe.
  2. Execute the program by typing python main.py


Copyright (c) 2020-present Reza Pahlevi and Agung Baruna Setiawan Noor.