- Similar to AprilTags, ArUco markers are 2D binary patterns that computer vision algorithms can easily detect.
- Camera calibration
- Object size estimation
- Measuring the distance between camera and object
- 3D position
- Object orientation
- Robotics and autonomous navigation
- etc.
- ArUco markers are built into the OpenCV library via the cv2.aruco submodule (i.e., we don’t need additional Python packages).
- The OpenCV library itself can generate ArUco markers via the cv2.aruco.drawMarker function.
- There are online ArUco generators that we can use if we don’t feel like coding (unlike AprilTags where no such generators are easily found).
- There are ROS (Robot Operating System) implementations of ArUco markers.
- And from an implementation perspective, ArUco marker detections tend to be more accurate, even when using the default parameters.