
Class helper to interact with google consent SDK easily.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

GDPR Android Admob Library

Class helper to easily interact with google consent SDK easily made with LOVE ❤️ 🌍.


Demo version app has been added for a better explanation of the library.

Required Dependencies:

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

    allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

    dependencies {
	        implementation 'com.github.ayoubfletcher.GDPR-Admob-Android:consentsdk:0.1.5'

Get requirement you need:

Get your publisher id from admob: Publisher Id Source

To get the device id you have to initialize an adrequest


    // Creating a dummy adview
    AdView adView = new AdView(context);
    adView.setAdUnitId("ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111"); // Default test banner id
    adView.loadAd((new AdRequest.Builder()).build());
    // Or using this code is the same code above it uses the test banner id provided by admob. 'ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111'


    // Creating a dummy adview
    val adView = AdView(context)
    adView.adSize = AdSize.BANNER
    adView.adUnitId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111"
    // Or using this code is the same code above it uses the test banner id provided by admob. 'ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111'

How to use library:

1.a Initializing using Builder class


    ConsentSDK consentSDK = new ConsentSDK.Builder(context)
                .addTestDeviceId("your device id from logcat") // Add your test device id "Remove addTestDeviceId on production!"
                .addCustomLogTag("CUSTOM_TAG") // Add custom tag default: ID_LOG
                .addPrivacyPolicy("https://your.privacy.url/") // Add your privacy policy url
                .addPublisherId("pub-0123456789012345") // Add your admob publisher id


    val consentSDK = ConsentSDK.Builder(context)
                .addTestDeviceId("your device id from logcat") // Add your test device id "Remove addTestDeviceId on production!"
                .addCustomLogTag("CUSTOM_TAG") // Add custom tag default: ID_LOG
                .addPrivacyPolicy("https://your.privacy.url/") // Add your privacy policy url
                .addPublisherId("pub-0123456789012345") // Add your admob publisher id

1.b Initializing without Builder class


    String deviceId = "your device id from logcat";
    String publisherId = "pub-0123456789012345";
    String privacyUrl = "https://your.privacy.url/";
    ConsentSDK consentSDK = new ConsentSDK(context, publisherId, privacyUrl, true);


    val deviceId = "your device id from logcat"
    val publisherId = "pub-0123456789012345"
    val privacyUrl = "https://your.privacy.url/"
    val consentSDK = ConsentSDK(context, publisherId, privacyUrl, true)

Choose one of the methods to initialize the ConsentSDK from above.

2. Then check the consent using:


    consentSDK.checkConsent(new ConsentSDK.ConsentCallback() {
            public void onResult(boolean isRequestLocationInEeaOrUnknown) {
                // Your code


    consentSDK.checkConsent(object : ConsentSDK.ConsentCallback() {
            override fun onResult(isRequestLocationInEeaOrUnknown: Boolean) {
                // Your code

How checkConsent works:

- Check the location of the user if it's within EEA and with unknown status.
- If the user is within EEA and with unknown status show the dialog for consent with two options to see relevant ads or to show less relevant ads.
- The function retrieve a callback after the consent has been submitted or if it's not necessary not show the dialog.
- It's save the consent of the user and if the user is not within EEA it saves show relevant ads status.

3. You should load the ads (banner or interstitial ..) using the function below:


    // To Load the banner
    // To Load Interstitial


    // To Load the banner
    // To Load Interstitial

4. To Check if the user is within EEA or not.


    // But you must be called after consent.checkConsent(callback) because it will update the status of the user
    ConsentSDK.isUserLocationWithinEea(context); // Returns true if within false if not.


    // But you must be called after consent.checkConsent(callback) because it will update the status of the user
    ConsentSDK.isUserLocationWithinEea(context) // Returns true if within false if not.

5. To request the consent form to re-edit it for the users within EEA.


    // To request the consent form to re-edit it for the users within EEA
    consentSDK.requestConsent(new ConsentSDK.ConsentStatusCallback() {
        public void onResult(boolean isRequestLocationInEeaOrUnknown, int isConsentPersonalized) {
            // Your code after the consent is submitted if needed


    // To request the consent form to re-edit it for the users within EEA
    consentSDK.requestConsent(object : ConsentSDK.ConsentStatusCallback() {
            override fun onResult(isRequestLocationInEeaOrUnknown: Boolean, isConsentPersonalized: Int) {
                // Your code after the consent is submitted if needed


~ This library is just an editing of the official Google Consent SDK Android with some tweaks and with some helper class to simplify the comply of the app to GDPR policy.

~ That's it, if you followed the steps above your app will be comply with the GDPR policy.

Made by Ayoub Fletcher with LOVE ❤️.