Automating Flask Deployments With PythonAnywhere


Application Description

Swagger documentation for a flask API application


  1. Clone repo
  2. create and change into directory
  3. Set Flask environment (ps: check the file)
  • FLASK_ENV=default uses sqlite
  • FLASK_ENV=postgres uses postgres db
  1. set virtualenv with pipenv --three
  2. Install with pipenv install

Deployed Version

Deployed documentation version:

Local setup

  • run pipenv shell to shart virtualenv
  • run: python serving point of the API
  • app running on
  • Documentation being served on /api-docs endpoint

Running Tests locally

pipenv run pytest


This repo is built following a tutorial published on CircleCI blog under the CircleCI Guest Writer Program.

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Reviewers: Ron Powell, Stanley Ndagi, Amos Omondi