AirBnB clone - The console 🆎🚀

The console is the first segment of the AirBnB project that will collectively cover fundamental concepts of higher level programming. The goal of AirBnB project is to eventually deploy our server a simple copy of the AirBnB Website(HBnB). A command interpreter is created in this segment to manage objects for the AirBnB(HBnB) website.

Table of contents 📋

Description 📐

File description 📁

Console Usage

Supported Commands Syntax

  • create: creates a new instance of the specified class, sacing it into the JSON file, it also prints the id.

The syntax is: create <class name>

  • update Updates the key value of an instance based on the class name and id by adding an update attribute.

The syntax is: <class name> <id> <attribute name> <attribute value>

  • show: Prints all attributes or the string representation of an instance based on the id and class name.

The syntax is: <class name> <id>

  • all: Print the string representations of every instance based on the class name, if used with no option it prints every instance saved to the file.

The syntax is: all <class name>

  • destroy: Deletes all attribues or an instance based on the id and class name.

The syntax is: destroy <class name> <id>

  • help Displays the use of all available commands.

The syntax is: help <command>

  • quit Exit console

  • EOF Exit console


Contributors 👬

@Mohammed - Github - @Henok Belachew - Github