
A platform for the study of macroecology of life history traits

Primary LanguageR

Travis-CI Build Status Coverage Status CRAN_Status_Badge downloads

rangeMapper is a framework for the study of macroecological patterns of life-history traits.

rangeMapper in a nutshell

  • Datasets (i.e. maps) are retrieved from sqlite project files as objects inheriting from SpatialPixels or data.table. Maps can be plotted directly with plot().
    map = rangeMap.fetch(con, c('median_body_mass', 'median_clutch_size'), spatial = FALSE)
    plot(map, boundary = wrens_boundary, ncol = 2 , outlierDetector = function(x) extremevalues::getOutliersI(x)$limit)

  • The link between the assemblage level (i.e. the raster cell) and the species level (i.e. the data behind the raster cell) is kept explicit at all stages of the project. MAPs are constructed based on SQL aggregate functions or statistical models build in R and can be based on arbitrary subsets defined at both species and assemblage levels.
rangeMap.save(con, FUN = lmSlope, biotab = "life_history_traits",
    biotrait = "body_mass", tableName = "slope_bm_cs",
    formula = log(body_mass) ~ clutch_size,
    subset = list(MAP_species_richness = "SR >= 5",
                  MAP_altitude = "altitude > 1000",
                  BIO_biotab = "Family = 'Troglodytidae'
                                 AND clutch_size is not NULL") )


devtools::install_github("mpio-be/rangeMapper") # development.
install.packages("rangeMapper") # stable.