
R package: revdepcheck.extras - Reverse-Dependency Checks from the Command Line (CLI)

Primary LanguageR

revdepcheck.extras - Reverse-Dependency Checks from the Command Line (CLI)

This package provides additional functions to be used with the revdepcheck package. It also provide a command-line interface (CLI) for running reverse-dependency package checks directly from the command line.


From R

Check all reverse dependencies running eight checks in parallel:

> options(revdepcheck.num_workers = 8)
> revdepcheck.extras::revdep_check()

Check a specific set of reverse-dependency packages:

> library(revdepcheck.extras)
> revdep_init()
> revdep_add(packages = c("pkgA", "pkgB", "pkgQ"))
> revdep_add(packages = revdep_children())
> revdep_add(packages = c(revdep_children(), revdep_grandchildren()))
> revdep_todo()             ## list packages to be tested
> revdep_check()
> revdep_report(all = TRUE) ## regenerate report with more details

From the shell

$ Rscript -e revdepcheck.extras::run
$ Rscript -e revdepcheck.extras::run --help
$ Rscript -e revdepcheck.extras::run --init
$ Rscript -e revdepcheck.extras::run --reset
$ Rscript -e revdepcheck.extras::run --add pkgA pkgB pkgQ
$ Rscript -e revdepcheck.extras::run --add pkgA,pkgB,pkgQ
$ Rscript -e revdepcheck.extras::run --add-children
$ Rscript -e revdepcheck.extras::run --add-grandchildren
$ Rscript -e revdepcheck.extras::run --todo
$ Rscript -e revdepcheck.extras::run --preinstall-children


To install this package, call:



I have no intention of submitting this to CRAN or providing end-user support for it. I use it for revdepcheck:ing my own packages on a HPC system where I for instance need to pre-populate the crancache cache before running revdep checks as a job on compute nodes without internet access.