Notes and exercises regarding the book Programming in C, 4th edition, written by Stephen G. Kochan.
Chapter 2 - Compiling and Running Your First Program
Chapter 3 - Variables, Data Types, and Arithmetic Expressions
Chapter 4 - Program Looping
Chapter 5 - Making Decisions
Chapter 6 - Working with Arrays
Chapter 7 - Working with Functions
Chapter 8 - Working with Structures
Chapter 9 - Character Strings
Chapter 10 - Pointers
Chapter 11 - Operations on Bits
Chapter 12 - The Preprocessor
Chapter 13 - Extending Data Types
Chapter 15 - Input and Output Operations in C
Chapter 17 - Debugging Programs
The exercises were done on a machine running Windows 7 with the following tool set.
- Mingw-w64 enables GCC compiler usage on Windows systems.
- CDT 8.7.0 an Integrated Development Environment for C and C++, based on the Eclipse platform.
- SourceTree a GIT client.
- MarkdownPad a Markdown editor for Windows.