
Implementation of the probability distribution function for random flights in 3D.

Primary LanguageMathematicaMIT LicenseMIT


Implementation of the probability distribution function for random flights in 3D.


This is a header-only C++ library: Merely include RandomFlightPDF.hpp into your C++ project and you have access to RandomFlight::PDF. The latter is a function object. Simply intitialize it with the number n of steps:

RandomFlight::PDF F (n);

Then F is an instance of this function class. Then call F on an arbitrary value real t":

double result = F(t);

That's it. You may also have a look at the usage example Example/main.cpp. For example, with clang you can compile it from the terminal with

clang main.cpp -Wall -std=c++20 -lstdc++ -Ofast -o ./main.out

and then run


That's it!