
Get signal trading crytho from telegram and send to bybit

Primary LanguageGo

Bot bybit

Bot for make copy trading from signal telegram and send to Bybit the order

* Check the price of currency

* Change stop lost when tp

* Order can be cancel but not the position yet

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

.env file

touch srcs/.env

add var

#telegram info bot
API_TELEGRAM = token_bot 
BOT_NAME = @your_bot_name

#telegram api compte
API_ID = api_id_telegram 
API_HASH = api_hash_telegram 

#api bybit and url for testnet or normal
API = api_bybit 
API_SECRET = api_secret_bybit 
URL = https://api-testnet.bybit.com

#channel telegram
SIGNAL_CHANNEL = @channel_where_get_signal or 1909090909 
ID_CHANNEL = @your_channel_to_print_signal_receive


Please setting your .env

First run confirmation telegram api

  #run ./configure for setting your .env and auth telegram

Run app

  #run docker and start the app

Stop app

  make down

Signal exemple

