Chat effortlessly with Documents, YouTube Videos,Code, and Social Media Chats. Your go-to for quick and smart interactions! 🤖💬

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

NeoGPT 🚀


Docs update faster than the README.md. Please refer to the docs for the latest updates. Click here to view the docs.

Say goodbye to boring interactions with documents and YouTube videos. NeoGPT is your trusted companion to chat with local documents and lengthy YouTube videos effortlessly. Perfect for professionals, developers, researchers, and enthusiasts.

NeoGPT Gif

Note: NeoGPT is continuously evolving. Your feedback shapes its future.

Join our Discord community to stay up to date with the latest developments.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

  1. Installation: Clone this repository and install the necessary dependencies.

    git clone https://github.com/neokd/NeoGPT.git
    cd NeoGPT
    pip install -r requirements.txt

    Alternatively, using conda:

    git clone https://github.com/neokd/NeoGPT.git
    cd NeoGPT
    # Create a new Conda environment and specify the python version, for example, 'neogpt-env'
    conda create --name neogpt-env python=3.10
    # Activate the Conda environment
    conda activate neogpt-env
    # Now install the requirements using pip
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Building Database Currently NeoGPT supports local files and Youtube videos. To build the database add your local files to the documents directory and URL in the builder.url file. Then run the builder script.

        python neogpt/builder.py

    This will create a database file in the db folder. You can also specify the database to use --db flag. Supported databases are:

    • Chroma (default)
    • FAISS

    Currently the database is built using 2 papers and 1 youtube video:

  3. Run NeoGPT: Run the CLI to start using NeoGPT. Requires Python v3.10. You can use the --help flag to view the available commands and options.

        python main.py

    You can also use --ui flag to run the Streamlit UI.

        python main.py --ui
  4. Project Documentation: To view the project documentation, run the following command in your terminal or command prompt (Development ⚠️)

        cd docs
        pip install -r requirements.txt
        mkdocs serve

Supported Retriever

  • Local Retriever
  • Web Retriever
  • Hybrid Retriever (Ensemble Retriever)
  • SQL Retriever (Experimental)
  • Context Compressor Retriever
  • Stepback Prompting + RAG + DuckDuckGo Search

Project Roadmap

  • ✓ RAG (Question Answering with local files) 📂
  • ✓ Chat with Youtube Videos 🎥
  • ✓ Web Based RAG (Search on Web and local files) 🌐📂
  • ✓ Hybrid RAG (Keyword based and Semmantic Search) 🕵️‍♂️📂
  • ✓ FAISS Support 📊
  • ✓ Chromadb Support 🎵
  • ✓ Build a user-friendly CLI ⌨️
  • ✓ Upgrade Builder to support multiple file types including URLs 📦🌐
  • ✓ User Interface 💻 (Streamlit)
  • ✓ Chat with SQL DB 🤖
  • ✓ Support for other search engines (DuckDuckGo) 🔍
  • ☐ Add support for other LLM types (Ollama) 🧠
  • ☐ Add other database support (MongoDB, ElasticSearch, etc.) 📁🔍
  • ☐ Docker Support 🐳
  • ☐ Better Documentation 📖
  • ☐ Agent based chatbot 🤖


  • Task Automation: NeoGPT can automate a wide range of tasks, from text generation to data analysis, making it a versatile tool for various domains.

  • Local Execution: NeoGPT runs entirely on your local system, ensuring data privacy and security.

  • User-Friendly Interface: NeoGPT is designed with a user-friendly command-line interface (CLI) that makes it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.

  • Extensible: You can easily extend NeoGPT's functionality by adding custom plugins or scripts.

  • Persona You can add various persona to NeoGPT to make it more human like.


The persona feature allows you to customize NeoGPT's responses based on your preferences. You can choose from a variety of personas, each with its own unique characteristics. For example, if you want NeoGPT to be more friendly, you can choose the FRIEND persona. If you want NeoGPT to be more professional, you can choose the RECRUITER persona. You can also create your own persona by editing neogpt/prompts/prompt.py file. The following personas are currently available:

Persona Description
DEFAULT A helpful assistant with extensive knowledge.
RECRUITER An experienced recruiter who finds the best candidates.
ACADEMICIAN Engages in in-depth research and presents findings.
FRIEND Provides comfort and encouragement as a friend.
ML_ENGINEER Explains complex ML concepts in an easy-to-understand manner.
CEO Acts as the CEO, making strategic decisions.
RESEARCHER Analyzes, synthesizes, and provides insights.


We welcome contributions to NeoGPT! If you have ideas for new features or improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request. For more information, see our contributing guide.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. Let's innovate together! 🤖✨