
React | Redux Saga | Styled Components ♡ Final challenge > Bootcamp > Rocketseat

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Fastfeet Web

Developed with ♡ for Rocketseat Challenge of Bootcamp GoStack

Getting started

  1. after cloning the repository, use yarn to download dependencies
  2. run the application by typing yarn start
  3. use the credentials from backend seed to login

To run the application properly, run the docker containers and the backend before start.


Humps → used humps to keep the javascript camelCase pattern

Storybook → implemented Storybook for the application, it's not with all the used components, although it's implemented with some plugins, as well. I did that during a goal I had in my current job, to implement the Storybook in our Boilerplate, then I started trying to do it in this project.

What is the briefing

The main goal of these three repositories was to create a whole application from the backend, mobile and web frontend. Here is the briefing:

→ Part 1 Backend

→ Part 2 Backend

→ Part 3 Frontend

→ Part 4 Mobile

App responsibility

The Web version is an administrator view to manage the deliverymen, deliveries, recipients and problems.


As I started as a FrontEnd developer in a company, thanks to Rocketseat 🚀, I am now focused on FrontEnd (for now). I've learned a lot with this Bootcamp (will continue learning). And I would recommend it for everyone with some interest in the stack. I am really happy with all the results, the amount of content I could get with it. I can now develop almost anything with these three amazing technologies! Thanks ♡


Specifying each technology used, such as Redux Saga, Immer, and Reactotron, I didn't like the division of responsibilities I had in the project, using Redux Saga. Perhaps a different architecture would fit better for my mind; anyway, from my experience using Redux Thunk alongside promise-middleware, I didn't like to have multiple strings for each action creator like @orders/GET_ORDERS_REQUEST and then another one when it's successfully get @orders/GET_ORDERS_SUCCESS.

Another point is the naming pattern of camelCase in Javascript. I don't know what's the best way to workaround, but in this project I used humps which helps us to get a start_date camelizing it so it is startDate. Then for the payloads we just decamelize it again. I know my solution for the payloads is not the best one, but I would like to improve this idea in my own boilerplate.

These considerations are probably part of my recent experience with different approaches with React, I had to learn a lot in the previous months, for this challenge, and for my job. Although, it's always a good thing to know different technologies.

As an actual conclusion I would say, regarding web development with React JS, I have to learn more about:

[context-api, testing, immer vs immutable, reactotron vs redux-devtools, redux-saga, redux-persist]

Thanks, 🚀seat 🥳