
React Native | Redux Saga | Styled Components ♡ Final Challenge > Bootcamp > Rocketseat

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Fastfeet Mobile

Developed with ♡ for Rocketseat Challenge of Bootcamp GoStack

Getting started

  1. after cloning the repository, use yarn to download dependencies
  2. run it in one of the following devices
ios yarn ios
android yarn android

To run the application properly, run the docker containers and the backend before start. You can either use genymotion, ios simulator in your mac, or even an actual device.


Humps → used humps to keep the javascript camelCase pattern

What is the briefing

The main goal of these three repositories was to create a whole application from the backend, mobile and web frontend. Here is the briefing:

→ Part 1 Backend

→ Part 2 Backend

→ Part 3 Frontend

→ Part 4 Mobile

App responsibility

The mobile version of this application is for deliverymen use. They are able to mark their orders as withdrawn or delivered. Also sending a photo as a receipt that the recipient has received the delivery.

Conclusion for React Native version

Mobile Applications have never been one of my strong interests, however as it is very useful and helps to turn ideas into products, I will dedicate my time to learn more and improve my knowledge in this field. Using React as a Native version for Mobile devices was a really nice technology to work with. I am really surprised on how easy it is to make something beautiful and useful.

As an actual conclusion I would say, regarding mobile development with React Native, I have to learn more about:

[reactotron, redux-saga, redux-persist, mobile storage]

Thanks, 🚀seat 🥳