
:bulb: Talk given the Thursday 9th May 2019 and Wednesday 27th November 2019 at Epitech Paris.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

💡 MasterAdd

Build Coverage Dependencies License


MasterAdd is fundamentally useless. This module was created to demonstrate a list of good practices when publishing open-source softwares on GitHub.


This repository can trully be used as a template as it contains all the admitted mandatories:

  • Repository organization
  • Commit coherence
  • Documentation (it's never too much)
  • Continuous Integration and Quality Assurance
  • GitHub's tools configuration

This repository was created to illustrate my vision of a perfect repository on GitHub. This reflect my own opinions, so not the "single and unique solution". All the repositories are different, by their content or presentation. Be free to comment my design by submitting and issue to this repository :).

You'll find in the talk folder the PowerPoint presentation I used ( in french sorry :v).


You are interested in contributing to this useless module? Firstly, thank you. Please see the CONTRIBUTING.md file which will tell you more about:

  • Styling your contributions
  • Submitting issues and/or pull requests


This software is licensed under the ISC license (see LICENSE.txt).
