
TiendApp PERN stack project expands on the idea of an e-commerce to a MarketPlace allowing its users to buy and sell products to all users. Customize your profile and make your store unique! Details on read-me.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Deploy : http://tiendapp.servebeer.com/


  1. Project Overview
  2. Technologies
  3. Features
  4. Previews
  5. About Us

Project Overview

TiendApp is a MARKET PLACE website where you can buy and sell products.
You can publish your products listing them with images, description, stock and price.
Besides selling, you can also buy products from different sellers/categories.
Customizing your profile to show your potential customers is also a feature.

Front End repo: https://github.com/Henry-Cohorte-12-Grupo-1/Client-TiendaPP

Back End repo: https://github.com/Henry-Cohorte-12-Grupo-1/Api-TiendaPP


  • Front End

    • React Js
    • Redux Js
    • TypeScript
    • Bootstrap
    • CSS
    • Sass
    • HTML
  • Back End

    • NODE Js
    • Express Js
    • TypeScript
    • Sequelize
  • DataBase

    • PosgreSQL
  • Libraries and features

    • NodeMailer
    • Google Login
    • Stripe payment
    • JSON Web Token
    • ReCaptcha (Google)
  • Deployment

    • Nginx
    • AWS


  • Unlimited product listing
    • Product detail editing
    • Product stock managing
  • Product search
  • User search
  • Cart managing
  • Wishlist
  • Checkout (Credit card payment via Stripe)
  • Account creation
    • Two-Factor authentication
    • Email login
    • Google login
    • GitHub login
    • Twitter login
  • Admin priviliges
    • Category managing
    • User managing
  • Custom profile
    • Profile pic
    • Cover pic
  • Email notifications
  • Object-relational database system
  • Route protection
    • Encrypted Token Access
  • Dynamic mobile display


Landing Page

Landing Page

Home Page

Home Page

Wishlisted items


Product Details, Reviews, Q&A


Mobile friendly

About Us