
This is the Main Project submitted at the Maven Academy after taking the 4-week Front-end Web Development Course

Primary LanguageHTML


This is the Main Project submitted at the Maven Academy after taking the Front-end Dev 4weeks Course.

To clean up my code and add new updates from the feedback, I have deleted (where necessesary) complete sections of code and then rewrote it all spacing out consistantly and maintaining a good code quality.

Front-End Web Development.

In this project, most skills learnt during the Front-End dev course, were utilised in making this Website.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


To contribute to this project-

  1. fork this repository to your acc
  2. Open your Terminal or Bash and run
$ git clone (link to the repository)
  1. Use any Text Editor of your choice.

For optimal functionality:

To be able to view the sytles applied and use Jquery, Download the Frameworks files for - Bootstrap, Owl-Carousel and the Jquery file, Otherwise make sure you import the CDN into your workspace.