Colab notebooks for the Robotic Vision Summer School

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Official Repository RVSS 2024


The material here provided was developed as part of the Robotic Vision Summer School.


Please see this separate README.


You can run the notebooks via Colab: http://colab.research.google.com/github/rvss-australia/RVSS.

Links to slide decks and information about the lectorials will appear below.

Lectorial A: Robotic Vision

Presented by Peter Corke, Queensland University of Technology

The slides, details and resources for the A stream are here: A Slides

Lectorial B: Spatial Awareness

Presented by Teresa Vidal-Calleja, University of Technology Sydney

B1: Poses

Describing poses, transformations, and uncertainty


B1 Slides

Coding Sessions:

B2: Uncertainty

Keeping track of stuff with imperfect measurement; Kalman filters, factor graphs, and batch optimisation


B2 Slides

Coding Sessions:

B3: Representations

A taxonomy of spatial representations


B3 Slides

Lectorial C: Visual Learning

Presented by Simon Lucey, University of Adelaide

C1: Shallow and Deep Networks

Introduction to visual learning with shallow and deep networks


C1 Slides

Coding Session:

C2: Convolutional Neural Networks

Introduction to convolutional neural networks


C2 Slides

Coding Session:

C3: Visual Transformers

Visual transformers and their connection to convolutional neural networks


C3 Slides

Lectorial D: Learning to Act

Presented by Dana Kulic, Monash University

D1: Learning from Demonstrations

Action selection as supervised learning; behaviour cloning


Coding Sessions:

D2: Learning from Experience

Introduction to reinforcement learning Part 1


Coding Sessions:

D3: Learning from Experience

Introduction to reinforcement learning part 2


D3 Slides

Coding Sessions:

Additional Resources

If you'd like to know more

Deep Dives

Stephen Gould, The Australian National University

Richard Hartley, The Australian National University

Jen Jen Chung, The University of Queensland

Hanna Kurniawati, The Australian National University

Donald Dansereau, The University of Sydney