Dynamo League is a fantasy football league based off the Yahoo fantasy football league with heavily customized rule sets. It is comprised of two separate stand-alone applications - a client UI written using Blazor WebAssembly and an API server written using ASP.NET Core.
The League operates around teams and players. Teams, managed by users, are added and removed every season depending on participation. Players are actual NFL players and are imported by site managers.
A new season begins every May and continues until the end of December. At the end, points are tallied and rewards are distributed based on how that team's players performed in the real NFL.
Click here to be taken to how to run the app locally.
Running & contributing to Dynamo League Blazor requires the following:
- .NET 7 SDK
- IIS Express
- Docker (Linux)
- WASM tools (can be installed via
dotnet workload install wasm-tools
By default, two test accounts are created with administrator permissions with the following login information:
Username: test@gmail.com
Password: hunter2
Team - Space Force
Username: test2@gmail.com
Password: hunter2
Team - The Donald
Please make sure all tests pass before submitting a new pull request.
New migrations can be added to the database by:
- Installing the dotnet ef tools via
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
- Running the following command with a command line while inside the
dotnet ef migrations add {YourMigrationName} -o ./Infrastructure/Migrations --context ApplicationDbContext --project DynamoLeagueBlazor.Server.csproj