Albam Reloaded
Updated and upgraded Sebastian Brachi's albam addon to blender 2.80+ for Resident Evil 5 modding
The addon was tested on Blender 2.80 - 3.6, functionality on other versions hasn't been tested
With the current version you can:
- edit character meshes
- rename bones for convenient skin weights painting and mirroring weights
- edit character cut-scene heads
- add new meshes materials and textures
- edit material properties as alpha transparency and detail map UV multiplier
Download the latest release
Run Blender
Go to Edit>Preference>Add-ons>Install
, select downloaded zip archive and press Install Add-on
Turn it on after installing
Basic overview of the addon and its limitation you can find on the wiki page
Basic demonstration of modding process is here youtube playlist link
If you are willing to help in development or get quick help you can visit our discord server
AsteriskAmpersand for helping in understanding visibility generation algorithms
Codeman02Fr for reversing SBC structure