
A collection of my Graphic Design and UX Design work.


A collection of my Graphic Design and UX Design work.


Ive always enjoyed designing interfaces, weither they are real or fake, the way humans interact with software has always intrigued me. Here is a short collection of some of the interface design and web work I have made.

DEF abitpanda1 abitpanda2 consoleUI dwad IDEA NORAD 1 NORAD 2

Logo Design

Logo design isnt really my strong suite, but thats just more reason to practise right?. These are all made with Photoshop or Illustrator.

DEF Jupitor Mind blank Sticker pack ToolBox Design

Company Design Guides

In an experiment to teach myself company design guidelines and how you can use them I wrote an example guide here. I really like the 3D effect on the buttons.

Buttons Logo Text

Pixelated Game Elements

Built in pygame, this was a demo of a game built with pixelated tetures. Im really happy with how the corgi and the buildings turned out.

Game 1 Game 3 House 1 House 2 House 3 Inventory 1 Inventory 2


Nothing says you're a hacker like some sweet ASCII art. I always enjoyed making it and I find it makes CLI applications that bit more human friendly.

Cowsay Marvin install Marvin NorthwoodDale Skull ZIAB


This is a collection of illustration and graphic design work. Mainly done with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, they cover a wide variety of subjects.

iPhone mathTutor Rabbit 1 Rabbit 2 RedWhiteBlue 1 RedWhiteBlue 2 infographic

3D Renders

Build and rendered using Cinema4D, experimenting with lighting and colors. I've kept the designs simple, with few textures, relying on geometry to show the designs.

Alley Fire Escape House Park

Product Design

Seeing your designs in the real world is always a bit of fun. Here is a short series of designs, some for courses, some for personal use, all my own work.

Booker Lewis Booker Lewis Expanded Business Card Forestry Road