
nodejs automated robot for instagram using InstaPy

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node Instagram Bot

this script is to schedule InstyPy scripts


First, Download InstyPy and this repository

git clone https://github.com/timgrossmann/InstaPy.git
git clone https://github.com/HenryTabima/node-instagram-bot.git

Open the porject folder and install dependencies

with npm:

npm install

with yarn:

yarn install

The Config File

module.exports = {
  instaPyPath: 'paht/to/your/InstaPy/copy',
  regExp: /\bclient-\w+\.py/,
  isLogging: true

write the path to your InstaPy's folder in instaPyPath.

regExp is to find the InstaPy's scripts. for this example, I used a regular expression that matches with client-*.py where * is any word (for example: client-user1.py)

Daemonize (keep it running)

To ensure that de bot is always running use PM2

pm2 installation

With yarn:

yarn global add pm2

With npm:

npm install pm2 -g

start deamonized script

pm2 start index.js --name instagram-bot

PD: if you want to start pm2 daemon on system's restart, you have to run once pm2 startup
