
In this project, we built a project similar to a private Eventbrite which allows users to create events. Users can create events and attend to created Events.Also they can check who is going to attend each Event. This is part of the Project: Private Events in The Odin Project’s Ruby on Rails Curriculum. Find it at Project: Private Events

Built with

  • Ruby on Rails

Getting Started

Clone this repository to get a copy of this project.

You can also open the GitHub repo Repo link

  • Click on the green 'Code' button and 'Download ZIP'
  • Unpack it in the desired file in your machine


After cloning the repo, you also need to install the required gems on your machine

  • Run bundle install to install the dependencies
  • Run rails db:create and rails db:migrate to create required database tables
  • Run rails server to start this app on the local server
  • Open localhost:3000/ in your browser to use the app



👤 Aleksandar Ivezic

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome. Fell free to check the issues page

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