a. Write a constructor function called Person
that has 3 properties: a first name, a last name and a middle name. Create 2 instances of a Person
. Print one of their first names.
b. Write a prototype function in Person
called fullName
that will return a formatted string of an instance's full name. Call this method on both the instances you created in part a.
a. Create a constructor function called Book
that has properties title
, author
and rating
. Create some instances of Book
b. Add a prototype function to Book
called isGood
that returns true
if its rating is greater than or equal to 7
a. Create a Dog
constructor function with four properties: name (string), breed (string), mood (string), and hungry (boolean)
b. Add a prototype function called playFetch
. It should set the dog's hungry
property to true
, set its mood property to playful
, and log "Ruff!"
c. Add a prototype function called feed
. If the dog is hungry, it should set hungry
to false
and print "Woof!" If the dog is not hungry, it should log "The dog doesn't look hungry"
d. Add a prototype function called toString
that returns a description of the dog:
There are three common scales that are used to measure temperature: Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin:
C = (F - 32) / 1.8 F = 1.8 * C + 32 K = C + 273
a. Make an object called freezingPoint
that has three properties: celsius
, fahrenheit
, and kelvin
. Give them all values equal to the freezing point of water.
b. Make a constructor function called Celsius
that has one property: celsius
, and two methods getFahrenheitTemp
, and getKelvinTemp
let outsideTempt = new Celsius(10.0)
outsideTempt.celsius //returns 10.0
outsideTempt.getKelvinTemp() //returns 283.0
outsideTempt.getFahrenheitTemp() //returns 50.0
c. Give Celsius
a prototype function called isBelowFreezing
that returns a Bool
(true if the temperature is below freezing).
a. Create a constructor function called Movie
that has properties for name
, year
, genre
, cast
, and description
. Create an instance of your Movie
b. Create an prototype function inside Movie
called blurb
that returns a formatted string describing the movie.
Ex: "Borat came out in 2006. It was an odd film starring Sacha Baron Cohen as a man named Borat who was visiting America from Kazakhstan."
Write a constructor Vector that represents a vector in two-dimensional space.
It takes two number arguments: x
and y
parameters, which it should be saved to properties of the same name.
Give the Vector prototype two methods, plus
and minus
, that take another vector as an argument and
returns a new vector that has the sum or difference of the two vectors’ (the one in this
and the parameter) x and y values.
Add a method getLength
to the prototype that computes the length of the vector ;
that is, the distance of the point (x, y) from the origin (0, 0).(a^2 + b^2 = c^2)
var v1 = new Vector(1, 2)
var v2 = new Vector(2, 3)
// => Vector {x: 3, y: 5}
// => Vector {x: -1, y: -1}
var v3 = new Vector(3, 4)
// => 5
a. Write a constructor function called Cylinder
that has properties radius
and height
. Create an instance of a Cylinder.
b. Add a prototype function getVolume
that returns the volume
c. Add a prototype function getSurfaceArea
that returns the surface area
a. Write a constructor function called Post
that has properties datePosted
, user
, and text
. Create an array of Post
b. Create a prototype function that returns whether or not the post was made today.
c. Filter your array of Post
objects to only include posts made today.