
Send message to group with information about who has lucky number.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Made for ZSK

Jaki dzisiaj szczęśliwy numerek? Wiesz to na pewno od "Elitarnego numerka". Ten skrypt personalizuje wiadomość podstawiając imię szczęśliwca i wysyła wiadomość do grupy klasowej.


If you're using ARM-like architecture (like RaspberryPi) you need to use pniedzwiedzinski/lucky:rpi or build image yourself. To do that clone repo and run docker build . -t pniedzwiedzinski/lucky

docker pull pniedzwiedzinski/lucky

docker run --rm -it -v ~/.messer:/root/.messer/tmp pniedzwiedzinski/lucky messer
# Fill the form with your facebook credentials

Create ~/.messer/config.json and paste there your configuration:

  "group": "Your group id (from url)",
  "1": "John Snow",
  "2": "Perry the Platypus",
  "3": "Elon MusK"

Finally create container

docker run --name lucky_number --restart=on-failure -v ~/.messer:/root/.messer/tmp pniedzwiedzinski/lucky send_lucky_number.js


docker start lucky_number

Add this to crontab to run everyday (my configuration: 5 7 * * Mon-Fri docker start lucky_number)