This is a topology analysis package[Original Author: Xing-Yu Zhou]
Use lxslc7 to login LS5
Set up BOSS-X.X.X environment to use ROOT
mkdir -p $YOURPATH
git clone v1.9.5
NOTE: The environment variable is aimed at bash shell mode, if your shell mode is tcshell, use [XXXX XX]bash command to change to bash shell mode, when all the things have been done, use XXXX:XX$exit to come back to tcshell.
source, after the first compilation, use [XXXX XX]bash to change shell mode and then source, if you want to apply topology analysis.
You can also add [setenv PATH $pkgPath/bin:$PATH] command in your ~/.tcshrc file, if your bash mode is tcshell.
After setup your own environment variable, you can apply topology analysi in anywhere you want, use this command: topoana.exe [your-topoana.card]
Names of input root files: your root file about to be analyzed
Tree name: tree name conatining MCTruth information
Storage type of the raw input topology data (Four options: AI, VI, MIV, and MDV. Default: AI): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Method to apply cut to array variables: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Maximum hierarchy of heading decay branches to be processed in each event: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Ignore the decay of the following particles: e.g., e+e- --> D+D-pi+pi-, D- in this part means you do not care about decay method of D-(D- is shown as D- in the final pdf file). Other particles' names can be found in share/pid_3pchrg_txtpnm_texpnm_iccp.dat
Ignore the decay of the daughters of the following particles: e.g., e+e- --> D+D-pi+pi-, D+ in thie part means that you only care about only the first level of decay, e.g. D+ --> K-pi+pi+, K-, pi+, pi- is the final states in your final pdf file the same for other decay channls of D+
Component analysis --- decay trees: Y stands for iluminations for initial and final states with intermediate resonances, N stands for iluminations only for inital and final states without intermediate resonances
Component analysis --- decay initial-final states: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Component analysis --- decay branches of particles: Only save the assigned particles' decay, examples can be seen in examples/example-7.card
Component analysis --- production branches of particles: only save production particles decay channels, e.g. e+e- --> final states, if you use vgam9, this means only e+e- --> vgam9 + X --> final states will be saved, examples can be seen in examples/example-8.card
Component analysis --- inclusive decay branches: define the inclusive channel you want to display which will be shown in the pdf file, examples can be seen in examples/example-2.card, example-3.card, exampl-6.card
Component analysis --- intermediate-resonance-allowed decay branches: similar to [decay branches of particles] part
Signal identification --- decay trees: your signal channel, but are the explicit channel you want to show in the pdf file, examples can be seen in example-4
Signal identification --- decay initial-final states: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Signal identification --- particles: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Signal identification --- decay branches: XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Signal identification --- inclusive decay branches: XXXXXXXXXXXXexample-5.card
Signal identification --- cascade decay branches: your signal channel, examples can be seen in examples/exampl-1.card, shown in the final pdf file
Signal identification --- inclusive cascade decay branches: similar to [inclusive decay branches] part
Signal identification --- intermediate-resonance-allowed decay branches: similar to [decay branches of particles] part
Signal identification --- inclusive or intermediate-resonance-allowed cascade decay branches: similar to [inclusive decay branches] part
Analysis tasks for signal identifications (Three options: TC, T and C. Default: TC): TC, XXXXXXXXX, T, XXXXXXXX, C, XXXXXXX
Use array branches to store topology tags in the output root files when possible (Two options: Y and N. Default: N): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
- Fork the code with your personal github ID. See details
- Make your change, commit and push
git commit -a -m "Added feature A, B, C"
git push
- Make a pull request. See details
Minimize the number of main c++ files
Keep functions length less than one screen
Seperate hard-coded cuts into script file
Use pull-request mode on git
Document well the high-level bash file for work flow