
This Project is a VR User Interface where the user will be able to learn ASL. It uses the Leap Motion device for hand tracking and The HTC Vive for an interactive interface.

Primary LanguageC#


Description: This Project is a VR User Interface where the user will be able to learn ASL. It uses the Leap Motion device for hand tracking and The HTC Vive for an interactive interface.

General Requirements:

  • Windows 7 64-bit or higher
  • Leap Motion Orion 4.0.0
  • HTC Vive (requires Unity 5.6+)
  • Unity 2018.2.5f1
  • Microsoft Visual Studios 2017 (Version 15.8.1)

Project Requirements:

  • Unity Core Assets 4.4.0
  • Leap Motion Interaction Engine (1.2.0)
  • Graphic Renderer (0.1.3)
  • Hands Module (2.1.4)